Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Mushroom Chicken

When John came home and sat down for supper I was excited to see what he would think of my creation.  I was shocked at the reaction!  He couldn't stop saying how delicious it was between mouthfuls of chicken.  There is nothing more satisfying than knowing that something that started out as a throw together meal is now a holy grail recipe.  Immediately after finishing his second plate John informed me that I must post this recipe, even it was only to save it for our future use.  He's always keeping the best interest of his stomach, I mean the blog, at the front of his mind.

I feel like chicken thighs have a bit of a bad rap.  Sure they are a little fattier than the breast but they also have a ton of fantastic flavor, especially if they have the bone in and skin on.  Thighs are also a lot less expensive than breasts, especially if you can get them 30% off at Superstore like I usually do.  When I see those glowing pink stickers in the meat case I make sure to stock my freezer!  Buying reduced meat is a great way to save money on groceries as long as the meat still looks good.

Mushroom Chicken (Serves 4)
8 chicken thighs, skin on, bone in
salt & pepper
2t coriander powder
1T butter
1 pkg mushrooms
1 cup chicken stock
2t mustard powder
2T flour

Season chicken thighs with salt, pepper and coriander.  Heat pan over medium-high heat and place chicken in skin side down.  Cook chicken for 5-7 minutes on each side until the chicken is cooked through.  Set the chicken aside.

Melt butter in the same pan you cooked the chicken in and add mushrooms.  Sauté until the mushrooms have reduced in size and are nicely browned, about 5 minutes.  Add chicken stock and mustard powder to the mushrooms.  Whisk in flour to slightly thicken the sauce.  Return the chicken to the pan (skin side up) and bring to a simmer.  Serve with mashed potatoes, cauliflower or roasted vegetables.  In this case I decided to serve the chicken with roasted beets, brussel sprouts and onion.

Why not turn this delicious chicken into a freezer meal!
To freeze: Cook as directed.  Place chicken in a 9x9 tin pan and top with sauce.  Cool completely.  Cover with foil, label and freeze.
To Serve: Reheat at 350° for 30 minutes or until chicken is warmed through.

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