Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Puffed Oven Pancakes

The quest for new and interesting foods for Roman continues!  He seems to really like pancakes, his favorite right now is pancakes topped with mashed avocado (strange I know), so I thought I'd try a new type of pancake.  These oven pancakes have more egg in them than normal pancakes which is great for getting more protein into him!

I was originally introduced to this type of pancake (also known as a German pancake) by Trellyn who made them while we were visiting her and her family.  The best part of this pancake is that you can just pop it in the oven and leave it for a few minutes instead of having to stand there and flip pancakes for half an hour.  Plus how cute are they!?  This recipe was originally posted on Once a Month Meals.

Puffed Oven Pancakes (makes 10 pancakes)
2 eggs
6T milk
6T flour
1/4t salt

Mix all ingredients together.  Pour into greased muffin tins.  Bake at 400° for 10-12 minutes until the edges start to turn golden.  Let them cool completely, wrap in plastic wrap and place in a freezer bag to freeze.  To serve, simply reheat in the microwave.

I topped these pancakes with fresh raspberries and sliced peaches that I glazed with some melted orange/lemon/grapefruit marmalade.  They would also be delicious topped with maple syrup or even avocado, if your taste buds are anything like Roman's.  Not only are these great for kids but they are also perfect for a busy morning breakfast or even breakfast on the go!  I had to eat the pancake I used for the picture (it's a hard job but someone has to do it) and I could have eaten 6 more, at least.

1 comment:

  1. I never thought to make these as individual ones, what a good idea! Leila also loves pancakes and often asks for them for breakfast. We'll have to try this one out! Way easier to pop one in the microwave. P.S. Roman, I'm sure glad you enjoy your mashed avocado on pancakes but it sounds horrible even to a pregnant lady with strange tastes. Lol
