Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Let the Cake Smashing Begin!

It's getting harder and harder to hide from the fact that my little man is growing up.  Even though the party is planned and the invites have been sent, I'm going to submerge myself in the water of denial (ha see what I did there?) until I can no longer hide from the fact that my baby boy is.....1!  Okay maybe I'm being a bit dramatic.

To kick off the birthday festivities I decided to have a cake smash photo shoot for Roman.  Obviously it's more for us and the awesome pictures than for Roman, but how can he not enjoy smashing into and eating an entire cake?  I mean, he basically does the same thing at every meal anyway. 

I didn't want to give Roman a regular cake slathered in super sugary butter cream icing to smash because I wasn't sure exactly how much was going to end up in his mouth.  The last thing I want is a baby all hopped up on sugar because I wanted some cute pictures.  Talk about a plan backfiring!  I found a recipe for a Vanilla First Birthday Cake and Whipped Cream Frosting on Wholesome Baby Food that has almost no sugar.  This way Roman can have his cake and eat it too, without keeping us awake all night!  I did however use regular butter cream icing for leaves and grass.  To see what the cake looked like pre-Roman, and how I decorated it, click here!

I'm super lucky to have a Mom who is a whiz at sewing so she was able to sew Roman's adorable diaper cover and bow tie.  I knew there was no point in putting him in actual clothes since they would get caked with icing.  Looks like my instincts were bang on...

Now obviously nobody looks forward to carrying a baby, dripping with icing and drool, through the house to the bathtub.  To be honest I was a little hesitant just to pick him up.  So we herded him over to a plastic tub that I picked up at Party City so he could splash in the water and clean himself up a bit before we took him in the house.  Plus it was another chance for some great photos!

I have to give a shout out to our amazing photographer!  Ken works with John and does photography on the side.  He was nice enough to offer to take the photos for us.  He was amazing and we love the photos we received!  Look at the smile on that baby's face!  I guess he's only technically a baby for another 23 days....  Now I'm off to enjoy these great photos and wallow over how fast this little man is growing up.


  1. You got some super pictures!! I'm still in denial my "baby" is 2, so you're fully entitled to be in denial that he's already turning 1. Ack, where has the time gone!!! :-(.

    P.S. I don't think your link to the cake pre-smash worked.... Or maybe it's just me?

    1. The pre-smash hasn't gone live yet but when it does the link will work! Probably should have done them in a different order but I really wanted to get this one out! haha
