Thursday, February 20, 2014

Roasted Garlic Green Beans

Beans, beans, the musical fruit.  The more you eat, the more you....well you know.

Finding quality fresh produce can sometimes be a challenge, especially during the winter when few vegetables are in season. This week I managed to find fresh green beans that were in really good condition so I stocked up! Roman LOVES beans and I've recently started giving him hunks of food to gnaw on while we eat our supper, so these were perfect for him.  I also spotted a recipe on one of my favourite recipe websites that I wanted to try.

This recipe is so quick and easy that I did most of it with Roman on my hip, because sometimes being on the floor just isn't good enough.

Roasted Garlic Green Beans (Serves 4)
1 1/2 lbs fresh green beans
2T olive oil
2t minced garlic
Salt & pepper

Wash beans and remove ends.
Toss all ingredients together.

Line baking sheet with parchment paper and spread beans out in a single layer and freeze.

Remove from baking sheet and place in a labeled freezer bag.

Do not thaw before baking. 
Lay beans in a single layer on a baking sheet. 
Bake at 425°F for 5 minutes. 
Turn beans with spatula and bake for 3-5 minutes.

You can also skip the freezing step and bake the beans as noted after tossing them with seasonings. 

This recipe was originally posted on Once a Month Meals

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