Sunday, February 16, 2014

Baby Food - Baked Salmon with Broccoli Puree

Since I started giving Roman solids at 4 months, I have fallen in love with making baby food!  Roman loves food and will pretty much eat anything I give him, which makes feeding him a joy!  Today I decided I was going to make some baked salmon and broccoli puree for him.  Roman loves broccoli but this will be his first time having salmon.

Now the wrench in this plan is that I only have about an hour to do this while Roman is napping.  So hopefully Roman will cooperate.  The clock starts now!

32 oz salmon
3 heads of broccoli
formula/breast milk/stock to use when pureeing mixture

Preheat oven to 350° F.
Place salmon on a parchment lined baking sheet and season with dill and pepper.
Bake for 1 hour.

While salmon is baking, cut broccoli into florets and steam/boil until tender.

Remove salmon from oven and allow to cool.  Cut into small pieces.
Combine salmon, broccoli and your liquid of choice in your blender and puree. I used my Baby Bullet and pureed in small batches as it would not all fit at once.  Roman likes his food fairly chunky, but if your little one likes a smoother puree add more liquid while pureeing.
Once you are happy with the consistency, transfer puree to ice cube trays and freeze. 

I store my purees in labeled sandwich size plastic bags, then put the small bags into a large plastic freezer bag.  I like to use my purees within 4-6 weeks so that they stay fresh.  To thaw, place as many ice cubes as you need (1 cube is approximately1 tablespoon) into an air tight container and store in the fridge over night.  Purees can be warmed prior to feeding.

Well it looks like my hour is up!  Making your own baby food doesn't have to be a dreaded and time consuming project if you plan for it.  Making sure meats are defrosted (if frozen), vegetables are washed and chopped (if needed), and beans/legumes are rinsed and soaked, will go a long way in saving you time.  Have fun and be creative, and you and your little one will have a great time exploring the delicious world of solid food!

**NOTE: I am not a dietitian or doctor.  Always consult a health care professional before changing your infants diet.

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