Saturday, February 15, 2014

Come be spontaneously creative with me!

Welcome to Spontaneously Creative!!!  I'm a mom to an amazing 6 month old boy named Roman, married to a great husband, and we share our house with a miniature poodle, an American staffordshire terrier, and a grumpy cat.  It's a full and busy house but that doesn't stop me from exploring new recipes and indulging in a passion that I have had since I was a little girl, crafting!

I often have friends and family ask where I find my recipes, how I make the dishes I have created, and how to replicate some of the crafty projects I've made, so I thought this would be a great forum to share that information with everyone!

Since I'm on maternity leave right now and busy looking after Roman, I'm always looking for ways to make things quickly and inexpensively, without them looking cheap and still tasting delicious!  I love to share my money and time saving tips with people so they can make the most of what they have!

Thank you for joining me on this journey and I hope you enjoy my blog!


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