Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Home Preschool - November 2016

I don't know how it's possible, but I think October went by faster than summer did. I swear I just finished writing the October post and now I'm working on the November post. I'm so not ready for this! So not ready in fact that as I'm looking at the things to include it occurs to me that I have done zero prep for this month. None. Nadda. I really need to get my butt in gear! First, an update on how October's activities went!

I have to be honest and tell you that we didn't get to all the activities I had planned. Between all the activities Roman and Bianca do during the week, getting ready for Halloween, and starting to plan for Christmas and Christmas presents, we just didn't have the time. There were also days that Roman just wasn't interested in the activities, or wanted to continue on with an activity from the week before. A prime example of this was the moon dough. I swear Roman played with this stuff at least once a day for a week, and my poor white (now grey-ish) table can attest to that. The only advice I have for this dough is to only add a tiny amount of paint. The instructions say to add paint to the baking soda and then water. I wasn't sure how much to add so I gave it 3 big squirts. Bad idea. Roman was black, the table was/is black, and even the toys he used in it are stained black. Food coloring definitely would have made things worse so I am glad I used the paint. Overall a very successful activity that I highly recommend you try.

If you're looking for a quick activity to burn a few minutes, Roman really enjoyed the Apple Tree ABC. I printed out a few trees; upper case letters, lower case letter, and numbers. Roman loves stickers so this was right up his alley. Roman had a hard time a first when there were so many letters to choose from, but once he eliminated a few he really started to have fun. If I did this again I maybe wouldn't do then entire alphabet but choose a handful of letters and just repeat them.

We also made the pop up ghost craft, which Roman LOVED, and we started the Eyeball Topiary but didn't quite get it finished. The styrofoam balls I picked up from Dollarama didn't take the paint very well and will require a few coats to get them covered well. Roman quacking grew tired of painting the same balls several times, so we abandoned the project and I'll finish it up eventually. For now, it will sit in the "half finished" pile in my craft room.

So now for November! I'm a little overwhelmed just looking at my list of things that I planned on doing and thinking of when/how I'm going to get these things done. I think it's important to be flexible with your home preschool plan. In my case it isn't necessarily "preschool" more just a list of preschool type activities to entertain Roman on the days that we don't have other activities going. I think I get myself into a bind sometimes when I think to myself that these things "need" to get done. The reality is they don't and they are supposed to be fun!

1st-5th: Chicken dramatic play, Grow your own geodes
6th-12th: Cupcake liner poppy craft, Animal track painting
13th-19th: Muddy pigs, Ocean clip cards
20th-26th: Pumpkin spice latte playdough, Matching color wheel
27th-30th: Felt button chain busy bag

There are so many fun things planned! It's fun to look at these plans and see what's coming up. Because I planned it so long ago it's like a surprise even to me every month! I think Roman will love muddy pigs and I'm particularly excited for the pumpkin spice late playdough!

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