Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Weight Loss Journey - Here we go again

Oh weight loss journey, how I have missed you. NOT! I will admit that I loved every minute of being pregnant and eating whatever I wanted whenever I wanted. Including the 5 dozen sugar cookies I ate at Christmas. Hey, my doctor was concerned I wasn't gaining enough weight; showed him! It was an extremely enjoyable 10 months (and then some) but now it's time to get back to reality, and into my clothes! If you've followed my weight loss posts then you know where I originally started. If you haven't I suggest you check them out, then you'll understand where I'm coming from.

When I found out I was pregnant I weighed 153lbs. Just typing that makes me long for the days! One 8lb 9oz baby, and 5 dozen sugar cookies later, and I weighed 184 two days before Bianca was born. I think that's about average weigh gain during pregnancy, and I was pretty happy because that was still under what I weighed after I had Roman.

I've attempted to get back on the wagon a few times since I had Bianca, but I just wasn't ready. Of course I wanted to be back to where I was, but my heart and mind just weren't in it yet. I think this is a great point about weight loss in general. Until you're completely ready and committed to the process it isn't going to work for you. So many times I tried to keep track of what I was eating and stay within my calorie allocation for the day, and each time I failed because I just didn't care. I didn't care that I shouldn't be eating an extra portion of supper, I didn't care that I didn't look the same as I did pre-Bianca, and I didn't care that it had already been 4 months since Bianca was born and I hadn't changed my ways. I was completely fine with all of it because I knew when I was ready I would be able to get back in the groove and get back to me!

The reality is that I'm now sitting at 171lbs, not bad but not great either, but I have a plan! I'm back to using the MyFitnessPal app and I'm sticking to it this time. This time of the year isn't without it's challenges though. Summer means BBQs, birthday parties, cake, hot dogs, marshmallows, burgers, basically all the amazing things. It's basically a food Christmas. That being said, I know you can lose weight and still enjoy your summer because I have done it before. The key to success is allowing yourself to enjoy the things you love about summer but not in massive quantity and not every day. Eating 12 s'mores every day and expecting to reach your goals likely isn't going to happen.

I have noticed that my weak time of the day is in the afternoon when both kids are napping (I'm blessed, I'm aware). As soon as the second kid is asleep I immediately have the urge to stuff something in my face. Cookies, ice cream, pop, bread, it really doesn't matter. My go to healthy snack when this happens is a rice cake with a little Nutella and sliced strawberry. I've recently discovered that walnut halves also work if you don't have strawberries. I'm sure I'm the only person on the planet that craves rice cakes. I could really go for one right now...

If anyone else is on a weight loss journey I'd love to hear when your weak time is and what you do to curb it. I'm always looking for more yummy food options!

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