Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Moon Sand

Every day Roman is becoming less of a baby and more of a toddler *tear*.  Along with the fun of watching him walk and chase the dogs, comes the challenge of coming up with new and exciting things for him to do.  Luckily the weather has been gorgeous so we've been able to get outside more.  This opens up a whole new world of activities that I would never dream of letting Roman do in the house.  Now I'm not afraid of a little mess, but the line has to be drawn somewhere.

Recently a Mom on one of the Mommy Facebook groups I'm a part of posted a photo of her son playing with moon sand that she had made.  He looked like he was having a great time, so I thought maybe Roman would like to play with moon sand.  That minute I went into the kitchen to mix up some moon sand.

Moon Sand
2 cups flour
1/4 cup oil

Mix and enjoy!

Maybe it was because it was close to supper time, or maybe it just smelled appetizing.  Either way I should have known that Roman would stuff as much of the moon sand into his mouth as he could.  No need to panic!  Because its only flour and oil I wasn't too concerned about him eating it.  That is until the 5th or 6th handful went into his mouth....

The novelty of the sand wore off pretty quickly with Roman and he was soon off to play with Bronx's toys and eat dirt and rocks.  He might be a little young right now for the moon sand but I'm sure he'll love it soon enough.  If not at least I have another option for snacks!

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