Thursday, June 26, 2014

Guilty Pleasures

Everyone has a guilty pleasure food.  A recipe that you would never make when company is over and would likely never admit to eating.  Now don't look at the screen like I'm crazy, you know exactly what I'm talking about.  This meal could contain a mystery meat, gravy, or maybe even a stinky cheese.  Whatever the secret ingredient, one thing is for sure, it is in now way healthy and doesn't contain an ounce of nutritional value.  Despite all this, you continue to indulge in this mouth watering concoction while hidden away from the world.  Well I'm about to lift the veil on my family's guilt pleasure meal.

 Hamburger and Rice
1 lb ground beef (ground turkey also works well if you insist on upping the health factor)
1 can cream of mushroom soup
1 cup rice, cooked as per package instructions

Brown beef in a pan until cooked through.  Pour soup over beef, stir, and cook until warmed through.  Serve over rice.

Well now it's out there, this is what we are eating when the freezer and the fridge are bare, any maybe a few times when it isn't.  This recipe has been around for years in my family.  It has always been a favorite of my Mom and Selby (sorry to out you guys on the internet) and has slowly started to grow on me.  I understand that it looks like the definition of gruel, but it's just so darn tasty.

Now that I've shared my family's guilty pleasure food, why don't you out your family in the comments!  It's very liberating!

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