Friday, April 15, 2016

Follow Us Friday - Two Kids Version

I'll admit I was a littler concerned about documenting a day in this house. Bianca tends to be hit and miss with napping and happiness so it's always a toss up as to which baby you're going to get in the morning. Well, here goes nothing!

Well today is off to a dandy start, Roman slept in!!! Yes, this is considered sleeping in in our house.  I was actually awake a few minutes before he was but I didn't dare breath, let alone get out of bed, for fear of alerting him that I was awake.

Today was garbage day so the first thing Roman had to do was check on our garbage can, as well as the neighbors. Unfortunately he missed the truck because he slept in and he was a little bummed.

Miss Bianca decided to grace us with her presence at a fantastic hour this morning.  I don't know what I did in a past life to earn such mercy but miss Bianca has been sleeping through the night since she was about 1.5 months old. Considering Roman was up every 2-3 hours for at least the first 3 months of his life, Bianca feels like a vacation!  She wakes smiling and happy as a clam so I usually go ahead and get her dressed right away. We seem to be past the puking/spitting up stage so I don't have to worry so much about going through 3 outfits before noon.

Roman decided it was time for breakfast and requested "eggs with toast" like he does every morning.  When I say every morning, I literally mean every morning.  I now have to buy eggs three dozen at a time because Roman eats so many. I have managed to get him off of plain eggs with cheese and this morning he chose mushrooms and spinach as his veggies of choice. I had mine Denver style of a slice of bread, while Roman had his topper with cottage cheese and toast on the side. Bianca decided she was happy just munching on her fists for the time being.

Another thing you will quickly learn about Bianca is that she is a horrible eater! This girl has to be in a very specific mood and location to eat, and the bottle nipple must be in just the right place. If anyone one of these things are off there is a very good chance she's going to refuse her bottle. Sure enough, this morning she just wasn't feeling it. So instead, I got Roman and myself dressed and ready for the day.

Here is something that's new since I took my blogging break. Roman is potty trained!  During the day anyway. Shortly after we came home with Bianca Roman decided diapers were for babies (now if he would only make the same decision about his soother). I won't go into too much details about how we went about potty training, but if it's something people are interested in I could definitely do a separate post on it!
Bianca has finally decided she is hungry! Off we went to her room to rock in the rocking chair while she happily but slowly drinks her formula. Roman is actually pretty good about being quiet in her room and will usually hang out on the floor and play with a quiet toy while I feed Bianca and put her down for a nap.  Today he retrieved himself a packaged of cheese and bread sticks from his snack cupboard and ate it on the floor. Once he was done he climbed up n my lap and I rocked him and Bianca for a bit before putting Bianca down for her nap.  I LOVE when he does this! It can be so hard to juggle both kids and make sure they both get the attention they need. Fills my heart right to the tippy top!

I've been starting to watch what I eat again so I decided to make some iced tea.  Roman loves tea too so he was all too willing to help me.  This time we made a combination of Sami Sweetheart and Italian Orange Soda; amazing!  With tea in hand we sat down at the table to do some crafting.  Roman has really started to love crafting so I have a little stash of stuff that I keep upstairs for his impromptu crafting sessions. Today he chose stamps and scissors.

Is it sad that an hour is actually a fantastic nap for Bianca? At this point I take what I can get with this girl.  I think I got spoiled with Roman and his killer napping skills as a baby.

Today is grocery day, so we all headed out to Superstore to pick up everything we need for the next two weeks. I've been doing a lot of freezer cooking lately and it has been my life saver. Bianca usually has her fussy time from 4-6pm which can make cooking nearly impossible.  Being able to toss supper in the slow cooker or oven and walk away has been amazing!

Shopping with two kids can sometimes be a little challenging, and I thought today was one of the better days, until we got to the checkout.  Just as I started unloading the cart Bianca finally hit her limit with being awake and was starting to really pitch a fit.  Enter an amazing angel who totally saved me and my sanity!  My friend Lisa happened to be shopping with her two kids and stopped to rock Bianca while I finished unloading. I appreciated the help SO much and I can't wait to return the favor some day!
Roman decided on a canned ham sandwich with pickles and tea for lunch. Of course he had to help me prepare the ham. I on the other hand had some leftover chicken soup. To be honest I don't know how long this soup has been in the fridge, but I do know that it needed to be eaten and didn't make me sick!
After hanging out and cooing for awhile, Bianca decided it was time for a nap. If there is one thing I know about Bianca, it's that you never count on an afternoon nap. A morning nap is fairly predictable, but an afternoon nap is like trying to see a whale in the ocean, you just have to show up and pray. I hope you appreciate the risk I took to get this photo of her napping!!

Now that both kids are asleep it's time for me to unpack all the groceries and prep the salmon for supper. John was nice enough to haul it all in for me when he came home for lunch, so I only have to put it all away. Am I the only person that has a spice drawer that looks like this? I could barely get the new spices I bought into this drawer, so I decided to reorganize the drawer. I know I moved some of these spices into the house 3 years ago so I just tossed them out without even looking at them. If I haven't used them by now it's time for them to leave. I put all my bagged spices into bins to keep them together, cleaned out the drawer, and lined everything up nicely.  Ahhh my OCD has been satiated for another day.

Well Bianca's nap lasted longer than I thought! Still not amazing, but I'll take it. This blog post is actually pretty helpful, it make me realize that Bianca sleeps better than I thought. I swear in the moment that she's in her bed for literally 5 seconds before I hear her crying again. I guess that's what happens when you spend for "down time" doing chores.

Now that is a nap!  I can always count on Roman to have a good nap. I might have to fight with him for half an hour to get him down, but once he is, he sleeps like a beast! I hope he naps until he's 10.

One of Roman's new favorite games is jumping off his headboard onto his bed. I know I should discourage this activity but he loves it so darn much and it tires him right out for bed! Once that lost it's luster we moved on to cars and sitting practise for Bianca. It was the first time I actually tried to prop her up and she did really well, so I decided to pull out the Bumbo chair. She had a blast sitting up so we'll definitely have to use it more often. Roman thought it was pretty cool to see Bianca "sit like a big girl!".
Here we go again, Bianca decided to have a nap...

She's awake, and cranky haha. 

Tonight I made Honey Teriyaki Salmon for supper. As a side I decided to make Pineapple Punch Matcha rice and it was pretty tasty! Roman was being a bit of a dork so he ended up finishing his meal while sitting on my lap. I don't usually cave but sometimes you just need them to eat.

Bath time for Bianca has been John's territory lately so I don't have any evidence of what goes on (I'll get on that). What I do know is that regardless of how exhausted or cranky she is, Bianca is always her happiest in the bath.  Which serves well because she completely freaks out after wards because she's usually exhausted by this point in the day.

Time for Roman's bath! I'm the lucky sucker that gets drenched by this maniac most nights. He's pretty good about keeping the water in the tub but sometimes he just gets so darn excited. Or he doesn't realize that the spout of the bottle is pointing directly at me when he squeezes it with all his might....

While I bathe Roman, John gets to daunting task of putting Bianca to sleep. She knows exactly when and how she wants to be put the sleep but unfortunately she can't communicate very well. So we are left trying to solve the puzzle of exactly how she wants to be rocked, when she wants the bottle and when it's safe to lay her down. Oh the joys of newborns!

After reading a few stories, it's off to bed for Roman. He used to go to bed so easily but lately he's figured out that he can request things to stall. I need socks, I want my socks off, I want daddy, I want mommy, I want my puppy, where is my bear, snuggle me, rub my back, I have to pee (he's still in diapers at night), where is my water, and finally, I have to poop. The last one is the only way he gets out of his room.  He refuses to poop in a diaper now, and after a horrible 3 months of dealing with constipation, I will always bring him out of his room to poop. 

After all Roman's demands are met it's usually around 8pm. This is when we attack the dishes, finish blog posts and generally vegetate until 10pm when we turn in to pumpkins and go to bed. Phew!

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