Tuesday, March 22, 2016

I'm Back!!!!

Well, my three week break turned into a year really quick. I guess I should explain where I've been.  For those of you that know me in real life you already know what I've been up to.  For everyone else, meet Bianca!!  Yes, that's right, there is a new addition to our little family!  Miss Bianca was born January 14, 2016, 8lbs 9oz, 20" long, and we all love her to pieces!!

When I originally said I was taking a three week break, it was because I was so exhausted and nauseous that I didn't have the energy to type posts let alone take and edit photos. Plus the thought of the recipes in my Spring Baking Series were making me super nauseous. *NOTE: I had completed a few of the other recipes in the series, but if you've ever been pregnant then you'll understand how some things become tainted when you're pregnant.  I couldn't even finish the posts because looking at the pictures made my stomach turn.

I had the best of intentions of coming back to my blog once I had some more energy, but it turns out that my 2 hour nap in the afternoon while Roman napped was the only thing keeping everyone alive.  So nap I did.  But now that Bianca is here, I have said goodbye naps and hello to some free time!  By "some" I mean an hour or so after the kids are in bed at night, maybe 20 minutes in the afternoon if they both take mercy on me and nap at the same time, but I've learnt not to hold my breath.

After much prodding from my friends to share some of the freezer meal recipes I've been posting on Instagram as of late, I decided it was time to get back to the laptop and get blogging!  For the time being I'm going to shoot for posts on the 1st and 15th of each month.  If I can keep up with that then maybe I will increase the posts.  It's just going to take some time to work it back into life, so bear with me!

If you're reading this that means you stuck out the long hiatus, and for that I am truly grateful!  Let the posting begin!!

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