Monday, October 24, 2016

Thanksgiving 2016

I almost wasn't going to write this post, but when I saw some of the pictures I took I knew I had to share them.

Thanksgiving isn't usually a very exciting holiday, but since it was Bianca's first "big" holiday I was a little more special this year. We spent the day at Mom & Dad's hanging out, visiting, and playing with all the super fun toys that live at Grandma & Grandpa's house. The train tracks are usually the first thing Roman dumps out, quickly followed by the Lego. But now that Bianca is crawling the Lego has to be kept in the bin or on top of the step where Bianca can't get to it and eat it. You'll notice in most, if not all, of these pictures Roman has firmly planted himself right next to his favorite person in the whole world, Uncle Selby. We're all pretty much garbage once Uncle Selby shows up, but not too often you'll hear any of us complain about it!

My favorite part of being ditched by Roman for Uncle Selby is that I get some time to hang out with B. Not too often do I get to spend one on one time with her, so I make sure to make the most of it as often as I can. It's also times like this that make me look forward to the day when Bianca is older and is wanting to help with Thanksgiving dinner in he kitchen. I can't wait for all those fun mother daughter experiences. Except for the 10 years of not being able to stand each other, can I skip that part?
Onto the food! Which is really the best part of Thanksgiving, or any holiday for that matter. It was a pretty standard meal this year; turkey, stuffing, gravy, peas and carrots, and mashed potatoes. Speaking of mashed potatoes, do you peel your potatoes? I truly can't be bothered, plus most of the nutritional value is in the peel, and I always take flack from Mom and Selby about it. Comment below and let me know if your a peel on or peel off family.
Bianca enjoyed every bite of her first turkey dinner, and the meal was pretty normal until...
The pumpkin pie and whipped cream came out; specifically the whipped cream. Roman scrapped off just enough pie to get every last blob of whipped cream off his piece, then promptly asked for more. Normal right? Wrong! Somehow Roman getting a second helping of whipped cream turned into Roman shooting whipped cream into the mouths of everyone at the table. I managed to spare Bianca this fate, mostly because I was more than a little scared that Roman would drown her in the tasty whipped delight. I think most of us got more compressed air than we did whipped cream, but Roman thought it was hilarious.
After everyone was sufficiently stuffed, it was time for the kids to head off to bed for a nap. I had intended to spend their nap time in the basement digging through and cleaning out the closet in my old room, but instead I sat upstairs and yattered with everyone. I was thinking about turning my closet blast from the past into a blog post. Let me know if you'd be interested in seeing what is hiding in their from my high school/college days. It'll be just as much of a surprise to me as it will to you!


  1. Peels on for sure! Also yes please to the blast from closet past!!

    1. I just have to get time in the closet without two little helpers to do the blast from the past. I think it'll be fun though!!
