Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Home Preschool

Now that Roman is 3, I've been thinking about preschool. Around here kids can start pre-kindergarten at 3, but I've always been a little leery about it. In my experience, boys usually don't enjoy school as much as girls or the novelty of it wears off quicker. Case in point, my brother proudly proclaimed to my mom in grade 3 that he was all done school. Nothing like the harsh reality of being told you have another 9 years to go... I'm hoping to get Roman to at least grade 5 before he tells me he's done. I'm also not sure Roman is ready to be sitting and focusing in a structured environment for an extended period of time just yet. I mean, he did just turn 3 a month ago.

After talking it over with John, my mom, Trellyn, Roxy (who also happened to be Roman's camp counsellor this year), I decided to hold off on pre-K for this year. I do however feel like he would benefit from learning certain things, like his alphabet, and I'm always looking for activities to keep him busy and engaged. So, I decided to make my own preschool. Obviously I'm not a teacher so this likely doesn't meet or follow the school systems curriculum, but it will help Roman learn different skills that will benefit him farther down the road.

I found a binder and some loose leaf in the basement, picked up a few dividers at Wal Mart and set down to plan a preschool program for Roman. I made a section for each month, and divided the months out one week at a time. A simple search online yielded an endless supply of ideas. I wrote out the materials, directions and learning objectives for each activity out and allocated the activities throughout the weeks. I wanted a pouch to hold some of the smaller items, so being the resourceful person that I am, I decided to punch some holes in a freezer bags and add it into the binder. Works like a dream!

My plan is to have the lessons planned and prepped one month at a time. I'm almost done with September's prep, I only have a few items left to pick up, so I wanted to share what I have planned for September.

September 1-10: Spelling our name - dinos & Alphabet sensory play
September 11-17: Exploding paint bags & Spelling our name - sentence strip
September 18-24: Alphabet fishing & Dramatic play Spaghetti shop
September 25-30: Ziplock quilt alphabet & Wash the dog - pet sensory activity

I've also added in some alphabet recognition sheets to most of the weeks. I decided to only have 2-3 activities per week since we will still be attending play group on a fairly regular basis, and I'm also planning on registering Roman for the preschool story time at the library.

I LOVE planning lessons like this. I know all my teacher friends are probably cringing because I know planning can be a daunting process. but sometimes I feel like I could do this all day. Maybe I should have gone to school for education in stead of business administration. Maybe that'll be my second career!

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