Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Peanut Butter & Banana Baked Oatmeal

Pinterest for the win! For me, trying recipes I see on Pinterest is always a game of Russian roulette. Sure the pictures look amazing, the comments say it's "super easy & delicious" but you never really know what you're getting yourself into. I mean, there is a reason #pinterestfail exists right? But I find that when you can find a good recipe on Pinterest, it's usually amazing, which kinda makes up for having to eat all the fails.

I could literally live on this oatmeal. Breakfast, Lunch, Supper, snacks, middle of the night craving, just because; whatever the occasion, this oatmeal is the food answer. If I was going to die tomorrow, this very well may be my last meal. It's THAT GOOD! Even if your kids don't like oatmeal I bet you can get them to eat this. If you don't believe me, try it!!!

PB & Banana Baked Oatmeal (Serves 8 or 1 Kendra)
3 cups quick oats
1/2 cup flaxseed
2t baking powder
1/2 cup honey
1 cup milk
2T melted butter
1/2 cup peanut butter, melted
2 eggs
2t vanilla
3 bananas, mashed
1/2 cup chocolate chips
1/2 chopped walnuts

Mix oats, flaxseed and baking powder together in a large bowl. In a separate bowl, combine, honey, milk, butter, peanut butter, eggs, vanilla and bananas. Stir the wet ingredients into the dry and add chocolate chips and walnuts and mix until well combined. Divide mixture between two 8x8 pans and bake at 350° for 20-25 minutes.

To Freeze: Bake as directed and allow to cool completely. Cover with foil and freeze.
To Serve: Defrost and reheat in the oven or microwave. Be sure to remove from the tin pans if using the microwave. No sparky sparky!

If you happen to forget to add the milk to the oats before you bake it, don't panic! I may have done this very thing and it can be saved! If you add a bit of milk to the oats after you reheat it, it will soften right up and be just as delicious!

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