Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Creamy Chicken Pockets

Everyone knows that food tastes better when it comes in pocket form; pizza pocket, pocket pies...or maybe that's just me... Roman loves chicken, broccoli and cheese, and I clearly have a thing for food in a pocket, so this recipe was sure to be a hit! I found the original recipe on Once A Month Meals, but changed it up just a bit.

These pockets have become a go to recipe in our house lately. Because the pockets only have to be reheated on serving day, it make them a great choice for busy nights when Bianca won't let me out of her sight for longer than two minutes, or the nights that I completely forget about supper. Ooops! They would also be great to take to work/school for lunch and could be eaten cold or warmed up in the microwave for a few minutes. And because it's in a pocket form you can just pick it up and eat it! See, I told you food in pocket form was amazing!

Creamy Chicken Pockets (Makes 8)
2 2/3 cup chicken breasts, cooked & shredded
1 cup finely chopped, cooked broccoli
2t minced garlic
1T butter, softened
4oz. cream cheese, softened
1/4t salt
2T milk
1/4t pepper
8oz crescent rolls* (1 pkg.)

1T butter, melted
1/4 cup Italian bread crumbs

*These are the regular crescent rolls. You can use the Grands crescent rolls, you will just have 4 really large, meal sized rolls instead of 8. Obviously you will need to adjust the baking time accordingly.

In a bowl, mix together cream cheese and butter until smooth. Add chicken, garlic and broccoli to cream cheese. Stir in salt pepper and milk, set aside.

Separate rolls into triangles, (*Tip - I like to flatten mine out and stretch them out a bit so I can pack more filling into them and they are easier to close) and place a good sized scoop of filling into the centre of each triangle. Fold the corners of the triangle into the centre to completely enclose the filling. Place the pockets on a parchment lined baking sheet. Brush tops with melted butter and sprinkle with bread crumbs. Bake at 375° for 11-13 min.

To Freeze: Bake as directed and allow to cool completely. Wrap each pocket with plastic warp, place in a freezer bag and freeze.
To Serve: Defrost pockets and reheat in the oven or microwave.

The possibilities for fillings are endless! You could swap in any kind of vegetables with the chicken, or just skip the chicken and make a veggie and cheese pocket! I'd love to hear what you come up with!

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