Thursday, May 21, 2015

Quilt Show Love

Now I don't consider myself a quilter but I do enjoy going to the odd quilt show with my Mom and my Aunts.  Sure the quilting ladies can be a little (or a lot) crazy but sometimes it's fun to see what kind of quilts and wall hangings those crazy quilters come up with.  There won't be a whole lot of substance to this post other than pictures because I really just wanted to share some of the cool pieces I saw on our trip to the quilt show here in Moose Jaw!

These wall hangings really stood out to me, but mostly the beach scene in the top left corner.  That picture is made by sewing many, many, MANY strips of yarn onto a piece of fabric.  Now that has to take some serious patience.  I wish I could borrow some of that patience when Roman is having one of his of days...

Funny story; I actually have a kit in my craft room to make the animal quilt in the top left photo.  I bought it when I was pregnant with Roman with the intention of making it for him before he was born.  HA!  That clearly happened.  Maybe he'll still like animals when he's 12?

Now I know what you might be thinking, Kendra that quilt is kinda ugly, and I would completely agree.  But I have a feeling when you find out that is one giant piece of satin and the design is completely hand stitched into the fabric your opinion of the shiny silver quilt might change.  Can you imagine have the foresight and patience to make such a work of art?

What better way to end off this random post than with a cupcake tree!  I don't know who the woman is that came up with this divine creation, but her and I are clearly soul mates that should meet over a dozen or so cupcakes.  If I could buy a tree that produced cupcakes I would be quite happy to rake leaves every fall!

Well I hope you enjoyed this short, sweet, and random post!  Comment below which of these quilts/wall hangings are your favorite!!

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