Friday, May 1, 2015

Mini Follow Us Friday - A day in the city!

Roman and I had a fabulous day today!  Since I was taking my camera along with my anyway I figured we'd turn it into a mini Follow Us Friday!

This morning we were out of the house early; making the trip to Regina to check out the Royal Saskatchewan Museum with some of our favorite people; Trellyn, Leila & Chloe!  We've been lucky enough to be able to spend some time with them while they've been staying in the area.  Unfortunately today is their last day in the area, but we are super excited for them to move into their new home, and we can't wait to go visit!!!

This morning when I asked Roman if he wanted to go to the museum he immediately replied "choo-choo!".  Can you tell he loves the WDM here in Moose Jaw?  Unfortunately the RSM doesn't have trains but they did have a ton of displays of native wildlife in their natural habitat.  It has been years, probably decades, since I've been to this museum so I was just as excited to see it as Roman!

We started out the tour by checking out good ole' Mega Munch.  This T-Rex is older than me and is a bit of a Regina legend.  All us kids had the crap scared out of us as our parents led us into this dark room and hit the "on" button on the giant animatronic dinosaur.  Roman realized something was up as soon as we walked into the dark room.  I've never actually seen him scared but he was definitely nervous about what was about to happen because he wouldn't leave my side, which is why I don't have a picture of dear Mega Munch.  Poor Mega Munch had laryngitis today so he wasn't up to roaring for us; probably for the best anyway.

From here we headed up to the animal exhibits on the second floor.  Roman actually really enjoyed the exhibits!  He was particularly fond of the acrylic water and really wanted to climb into it.  I'm sure security thought we were trying to destroy the place because we kept setting on the motion sensors.  We didn't get kicked out so we couldn't have been that bad!

I think I learnt an important lesson while at the museum with Roman; if he ever says "puppy" or "kitty" when we're close to the woods, we need to immediately leave the area since that is how he referred to the wolves and mountain lion.

Of course you have to check out the gift store when you go to the museum!  This is one of those things that I think is fun with Roman now, but I'm sure in a few years I'll be trying to distract him so we can leave before he sees if.  Since the museum doesn't charge admission, that's right it's FREE!, I decided to get Roman a little something from the gift shop.  They had this super cool electronic ride on triceratops that I'm sure cost more than our monthly mortgage payment (there was no price on it, clearly a sign to stay away), but honestly it was the coolest thing I've ever seen.  It made noise, blinked, moved its head and mouth and even wagged it's tail!  Roman, if we even win the lottery you will have that triceratops!  In the meantime Roman picked out a tub of dinosaurs which actually weren't as over priced as I figured they would be!  Always a win!

Sine we were already in Regina I decided to run a few errands before we headed home.  I have an order of cupcakes to make so I had to grab some supplies at Bulk Barn and Wal Mart.  Unfortunately Roman and I spotted mini eggs at Bulk Barn so we picked up a scoop of them.  Ssshhh don't tell John!  After that we headed over to Lowes so I could pick up a sample pot of the paint color I'm considering for our master bedroom.  Of course we couldn't go to Lowes without checking out all the lawn mowers.  Roman would have been quite happy to spend the rest of the day here but I had other plans.

Like a picnic lunch in the Lowes parking lot!  I knew Roman was going to fall asleep on the drive home so I wanted to get some food in him before we hit the road.  I packed us a lunch which consisted of a two chicken and cheese sandwiches (with mustard for Roman), strawberries and iced cosmopolitan tea from Steeped Tea.  I tossed an ice pack in the lunch bag before we left home this morning and everything stayed nice and cold even sitting in the car for most of the morning.  Roman had been snacking on toddler cheesies while we were in Lowes, plus he had a few mini eggs, so he only ate about half his sandwich.  Once we were done eating Roman had some fun crawling all over the car while I finished my lunch.

Lunch done and back on the road and Roman was asleep in no time.  I'm pretty lucky in that he transfers from the car to his crib super easy and he was still sleeping an hour and a half after we got home.  Once he woke up and watched his usual few videos of Blippi we headed outside to enjoy the weather!  It was a little cool for the water table but he really wanted to play so I filled it up for him.  He had a blast filling bowls, dumping bowls, and drinking from bowls with his best buddy.  It was the perfect ending to a fabulous day!

I hope you enjoyed this mini Follow Us Friday!!!

1 comment:

  1. Cheryl (Grandma)May 2, 2015 at 9:18 AM

    Looks like it was a fabulously fun day! I am starting to believe he thinks he is a dog hahaha
