Wednesday, November 9, 2016

2016 CF Snowbirds end of season show

Normally the CF Snowbirds end of season show is only open to friends and family or the Snowbirds and 15 Wing Moose Jaw, but this year our family was invited to attend because of my mom's work with Quilts of Valour and a Snowbirds quilt that she recently designed (keep reading to see it!!). Before I get into the show I want to talk about Quilts of Valour.

QOV is a non-profit organization that recognizes ill and injured Canadian Forces members for their service and commitment to our country, by presenting them with quilts to comfort them in their time of need. These quilts are made up of blocks that are sewn by quilters from across the country and assembled to provide a hug across the nation. If you know someone that has served for the CF and is ill or injured, or if you would like to purchase and sew a block to be included in a quilt, please contact your local QOV representative!


First order or business for our visit was to get the signatures of all the Snowbirds pilots on some quilts. We were escorted into the Snowbirds hanger by Honorary Colonel Gould and then Chief Warrant Officer Fleet took us to the Snowbirds lounge. It was only a few hours before the show so the lounge was pretty busy. Luckily Roman is pretty small so he got to accompany mom into the lounge while the pilots signed the quilts. While they were being all high-roller in the lounge, Dad, Selby and I hung out in the hanger and watched as the planes were rolled out onto the runway. It was actually pretty entertaining because you can tell these guys were having some fun. I had no idea those little tug machines (at least that's what I'm going to call them) were as agile or fast as they were.

After all the Snowbirds signed the quilts CWO Fleet escorted us to Lieutenant Colonel Wintrup's office. While Lt. Col. Wintrup was signing the quilt Roman meandered around looking at the different plaques and photos he had hanging and leaning against the walls. One of which he promptly bumped with his head and knocked right off the ledge it was sitting on. Thank goodness my reflexes are on point because I managed to save the photo before it hit the floor. I think Mom and I both just about heart attacks, and I was quite happy when we made our way to lunch room to wait for the show to start.

Roman was starting to get hungry so I unpacked the stash of food I had in my purse, because that's what mom's actually carry in their purses. Hon. Col. Gould popped in to check on his new buddy. Roman was more than happy to take a picture with him. Although he wasn't so great at his salute. This was pretty much the coolest lunch room ever, never a dull moment when the windows look out onto the runway!

After Roman was refueled we headed out to find our seats for the show. We were extremely lucky with the beautiful weather, considering the week before this day we had almost a foot of snow on the ground. There was just enough sun to keep everyone warm and allow you to see the planes without completely blinding you when you were looking into the sky. Roman really enjoyed watching the techs and pilots march to their planes, in fact he marches around the house for days afterwards. After the planes paraded past the crowd.


Once the planes were in the sky, it was Mom's turn to take the stage. Poor woman was so nervous. Probably didn't help that we gave her a hard time about it all day, but that's what family does! She was shaking like a leaf but she got her entire speech out without a hitch. Everyone was super impressed with her quilt and she was inundated with questions and requests for quilts and the pattern.

Shortly after Mom's heart stopped racing the show began! Now I will bombard you with pictures and video!

It's a little hard to see in the bottom top left photo, but there is a heart written in the sky with the smoke from the planes. One of the techs earned himself so brownie points and surprised his now fiancé by proposing to her mid show. She was absolutely stunned. It was such a cool thing to see.


It's been many years since any of us have been to a Snowbirds show and this one didn't disappoint. We all had a great time, especially Roman. The poor guy was so tired though that Uncle Selby had to carry him from the runway back to the hanger. Then it was time to head home for a nap. Roman's regular nap time is 1-3pm and we were at the base from 11-3:30pm. He was one tired panda for sure, but still had the energy to grunt out "team snow cat!" with Uncle Selby on the way home. Whatever that means....

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