Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Roman's Summer Bucket List

Roman loves being outside, so summer is a special time for him, as it is for most kids. I'm sure if it were up to Roman we'd be outside from the moment he woke up until the moment he went to sleep. He's still at the age where there are a lot of things he can experience for the first time because he's finally old enough to understand what's going on, or because he's physically big enough to do these things. Having Bianca really slapped me in the face with the fact that Roman isn't going to be small forever and I want him to have amazing memories to look back on, even if he only remembers them when looking at pictures 10 years from now.

I was cruising Pinterest (because I never do that), and came across a few toddler summer bucket list pins. I'm not sure why writing down the things I wanted to do with Roman over the summer had never occurred to me because I plan everything else. I always have these grand ideas of how I want to spend the summer, and then the next minute I realize it's the beginning of August and I haven't done anything that I wanted to. Summer is especially sneaky for this because there are so many time sensitive activities; the fair is only in town for a few days, the farmers market only lasts for a couple months, and the majority of people have to factor in when they can take holidays from work. John has a pretty hectic work schedule this summer so I knew I was going to have to plan if he was going to be able to take part in enjoying Roman's bucket list.

So this is the list I came up with for Roman this summer. We've already completed a good chunk of it, which is good considering summer is 2/3 over. When did that happen?! Some of these things aren't super amazing events but they are still part of what I think makes a fun summer, or things that I know Roman loves to do that we can only do in the summer. I really wanted Roman to watch fireworks this summer, but the reality of keeping a toddler up until 10:30pm was too scary so he had to miss out on that one. They should really make daytime fireworks that you can actually see so the little people can partake in them too! Maybe I'll invent that and become amazingly rich and super famous... I personally can't wait to let him destroy an ice cream pizza from DQ. John thinks I'm crazy, but I think it's going to be a blast. What kid doesn't want to be let loose on ice cream? Heck, I want to be let loose on ice cream!

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