Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Organization: Dressers

I love that Roman can get himself ready for the most part in the morning, but something choosing his clothes takes forever. He has to dig through all the shirts to find the exact one he's looking for, only to change his mind and try to find another one. Folding shirts every day gets old really fast.

I knew there had to be an easier way to deal with his dresser drawers but I didn't know where to start. I was watching the Clean My Space YouTube channel when I came across a video about folding t-shirts so you can see the design on the front. Ah ha!!! Exactly what I needed to know! This video has forever changed how I organize Roman and Bianca's dressers. I'm sure I'll eventually apply this system to my drawers as well, I just haven't gotten that far.

The key to this whole system is the folding of the shirts. The kids' clothes are still small enough that I can easily fold them on my favorite folding book, but once they get a little bigger, or if I actually get to my clothes, then I'll buy myself a folding board. Not only does folding the shirts this way look nice but they actually take up a lot less space than stacking them on top of each other.

I try to organize Roman's shirts the best I can by putting all the same type of shirt (short sleeve, sleeveless, collared) in the same column. If you don't have enough of the same type of shirt to make an entire column you could use drawer dividers to separate them, or use a square of heavy cardboard to separate them. Don't like the look of cardboard? Try wrapping it in fabric so it doesn't look like cardboard!

Roman has more pairs of pjs than anyone I have ever known. So to keep them organized I put all the tops in one column and all the bottoms in another column, with the corresponding pieces beside each other. This might just be my OCD kicking in, but I can't stand when Roman's pjs don't match. Which doesn't make any sense at all because nobody actually sees him in them anyway. But in my world you can't have a Ninja Turtle top with monster truck bottoms, you just can't!

I take the same approach with Roman's pants and shorts. His pants are folded in thirds so they stand up as well. I organize them into jeans, sweatpants, and other casual pants. Because he doesn't have a ton of shorts they all just hang out together in a separate drawer, along with his swim clothes.

So that's how I organize the clothes for the littles. I find folding the clothes this way takes a little more time on laundry day, but it saves a ton of time when I'm trying to get everyone dressed and out the door. Hopefully you found this helpful and you don't just think I'm a crazy lady who has too much time on her hands.

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