Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Organization: Under the Sink

I'm sure the thought of cleaning and organizing the cupboard under your sink has you on the edge of your seat. I know, I know, it's not the most exciting topic but it's a project I wanted to share. Why? Because having unorganized cupboards/drawers in my kitchen and house drives me up a wall! I feel like I have all this mental clutter because I know there is a disaster hiding behind the door that is just waiting to drive me bananas the next time I need some cleaning solution.

After watching Roman dig through a wall of plastic bags while trying to find the bin of dish tabs, I decided that I had to do something about the dreaded cupboard before I lost my son in the chaos. So I made a quick trip to Dollar Tree and picked up a few baskets to help me organize this space.

I started by pulling everything out from under the sink to see what I was dealing with. It really was a mix of things; plastic bags, water bottles, bug spry, lemonade mix, even a vase. For some reason this cupboard becomes our catch all for the things we don't really have a place for, like the lemonade mix, probably not the first place you'd look for it in a house. I also found quite the collection of gift bags and reusable shopping bags. I do have places for these but obviously they just got tossed in here at some point and became lost in the sea of plastic bags. Finding empty boxes in cupboards really makes me twitch, and this cupboard didn't disappoint. Why must we keep empty boxes?!?!? Breath Kendra, breath.

I did actually find some things that belong under the sink like cleaning supplies and garbage bags. To keep the sponges and bottles together and prevent them from drifting to the back of the cupboard never to be seen again, I put them into these little blue bins. It also makes it super handy to grab the entire bin when I'm cleaning. Plastic bags are a constant struggle. We like to keep a bunch on hand because they're super handy for cleaning out the litter box, but they can get out of control really fast. Enter the most versatile basket in the world! I have one of these bins in my car and in the tub to hold all Roman's toys. If you have kids, you need this basket!

To finish it all up, I simply lined everything up along the front of the cupboard so we can see what is in there and reach it easily. I'm actually surprised at how much room their is in this cupboard now. Before I organized it the back two feet was literally filled with plastic bags. Even as I type this post, just knowing that this cupboard looks this pretty now makes my soul happy. Yes I know, I'm a little weird. And it's obviously late if an organized junk cupboard makes me this happy. I should probably go to bed...
I ended up adding two more baskets under the sink. One for clean microfiber cloths and one for dirty. This way I know where all the clean cloths are, and when the dirty basket gets full I can toss it in with the laundry.

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