Thursday, April 9, 2015

Decorating Eggs 2015

This is by far my favorite Easter tradition!  I don't even really like eating hard boiled eggs but I LOVE decorating them!  Last year Roman could only sit in his high chair and watch while I colored the eggs, but this year he is right in the game and he had a blast!  I picked up this decorating kit at Superstore for a whopping $2.  It came with 6 colors (yellow, orange, pink, green, blue & purple), stickers, wrappers, stands, and a memory game.  Obviously we aren't going to use the memory game but I thought it was a great value for $2.


For as long as I can remember my Mom always mixed up our egg dye in coffee mugs and lined them up on the kitchen table for Selby and I to color eggs.  I figured if it worked for her it would work for me.  What I didn't take into account is that all my mugs are difference sizes and shapes and most are large and the dye wouldn't cover the entire egg.  I guess next year I'll have to use plastic cups, or maybe I should get a set of mugs... 

Poor Roman was convinced that I had just set out several cups of tea on the table and he was a little disappointed that he couldn't drink them.  However, once I showed him how to put eggs into the mugs he quickly decided this was much more fun.  With a little help he had those mugs filled with eggs in no time flat!

I was pretty impressed with this dye because it didn't take long for the eggs to become saturated with color, or at least the ones that were completely submerged.  I was also impressed with how gentle Roman was being with the eggs.  Lately he doesn't like having help doing anything but he loved scooping the eggs out of the dye and seeing how they had changed color, so I guess he decided it was worth putting up with his parents helping him.  I'm sure it's a hard concept for a little guy to wrap his head around so he probably thought John and I were pulling some magic tricks on him, with our color changing eggs.  The box the decorating kit came in turned into a drying rack but my Mom always had us dry the eggs off on a paper towel lined cookie sheet so that's what I did as well.

Once the eggs were dry I introduced Roman to the world of stickers!  At first he had a bit of a hard time figuring out how to get them to stick to the eggs, but after a few tries e figured it out.  As you can see from some of the pictures he was pretty pleased with himself.  This is literally the reaction he had each and every time he stuck a sticker on an egg.  I dare you to look at that middle picture with a mouth full of liquid and not spit it all over the screen.  How can you not love this kid?!

Unfortunately Roman did get a little too excited with one of his eggs.  The poor pink egg was almost cut in half when his meat mitts crushed down on it.  He seemed a little upset by what happened and didn't squish another egg; the beauty of cause and effect! 

We ended up with 8 beautiful eggs (including the cracked one) that will live in our fridge for the next few days, or until they are gobbled up by John and Roman.  I may even indulge in one or two just so I can have an egg war with John.  Want to know what an egg war is?  Check out my upcoming Easter Sunday post and learn all about this super fun tradition!

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